Stolen Poggi 1924 violin NOW RECOVERED!!!

Poggi 1924 violin STOLEN - RECOVERED!!!

Thanks to the great service of the Italian Police Carabinieri Tutela Patrimonio Culturale and the collaborators this masterpiece went back to the legal owners who are truly grateful.
Who had information greatly helped to localize it after 5 years!:

Poggi 1924 violin STOLEN - RECOVERED!!!

Poggi 1924 violin STOLEN - RECOVERED!!!

Poggi 1924 violin STOLEN - RECOVERED!!!

Poggi 1924 violin STOLEN - RECOVERED!!!

Please stay in touch for the special concert which will be organized to celebrate the event after its sound adjustments and restoration will be completed!

The Sound of Bologna - Il Suono di Bologna
from Raffaele Fiorini to the great masters of the 20th century

Florenus & Novecento Edizioni, 2002:
pp. 100 - 101
La Liuteria Italiana a Pechino.
Museo della Storia - Pechino 26 maggio - 2 giugno 2000.
Su invito del Ministero della Cultura della Repubblica Popolare Cinese.
Perugia 2000, ACISA, p. 133 (errata)
